Design Thinking for Kids
July 2016
Workshop offered at The Developer’s Conference São Paulo 2016
UX Basics
August 2016
Training offered in partnership with IxDA São Paulo
Design Thinking talk at HALE Brazil hackathon
September 2016
Workshop and mentorship at HALE Brazil Hackathon
Girls in Tech panels
- UX: I want to study it; where should I start?
- UX, data and metrics
September 2016
Design Thinking at FAU
October 2016
At the invitation of Professor Daniela Kutschat Hanns, from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU-USP), we spoke to students of digital interface design at FAU and Poli about the importance of testing quickly a project in order to save resources and time and make it viable.
Creation and Development Process with Design Thinking
October 2016
Talk presented at the Web.br 2016 Conference
Talk: How can we use design in education?
Workshop: Design Sprint
October 2016
Process of creation and development in Design Thinking
October 2016
Improving the World Through Design
November 2016
Talk presented at São Paulo Tech Week – Digital Women panel
Workshop Design for All
December 2016
The workshop was organised by the UPWIT (Unlocking the Power of Women in Technology) initiative. Coletivo Mola collaborated with the workshop structure and facilitation.
Design Thinking – What it is and how it can help your project
December 2016
Talk presented at Information Technology Circuit SENAI (Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial – National Service for Industrial Apprenticeship)
Design Thinking workshops
December 2016
Workshops offered in partnership with the Fab Lab São Paulo and the Housing of the Future project
Check more 2016 events, workshops, and conferences: